Tuesday, December 14 2021, 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Christmas Party and HK Festival Business Seminar
You are cordially invited to attend HKNZBA’s upcoming Christmas Party Business Seminar and Business Seminar as part of our last 2021’s in-person event, taking place at 6.00 pm on Tuesday 14 December at Cordis, Auckland, New Zealand.


This year, the Festival Seminar’s theme is ‘Successfully expanding your business offering into the Hong Kong market.” HKNZBA is proud to welcome an established expert in her respective fields, to share her insights with HKNZBA members and friends. Our guest speaker is Ms Lesley O’Dwyer, Skills Consulting Group. Please see her bio below for further information:

Ms Lesley O’Dwyer

Lesley O’Dwyer is the Head of International Partnerships at Skills Consulting Group. In this role, Lesley works closely on converting commercial opportunities into revenue streams, plan and deliver strategies to clients and the board. Lesley has also established a regional office based in Hong Kong and manages members based there.

Before joining Skills Consulting Group, Lesley was working as a manager in different companies including EnviroNZ, Hertz, APX, Serko Ltd and so on.  Which makes her has extensive experience in different industries.

Lesley’s keynote address will focus on expanding your business offering to the Hong Kong market successfully.


Join us for what is set to be a fantastic evening with our honourable guests, complete with an assortment of excellent wine and food from the Cordis, special prize draws from our sponsors and supporters, and more



Members: Free

Non-members: $50 

All attendees can enjoy the discount of “buy one get one free”

All attendees of the Annual Gala Dinner will be free

Please email hk@hongkong.org.nz  the Name of the FREE attendee after the registration for the “buy one get one free” discount and for the free ticket for attendees of the Annual Gala Dinner.


Places to this event are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.  For catering purposes, please Register by 5 pm on Friday 10 December at the latest if you would like to join us. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch via +64 9 307 1216 or hk@hongkong.org.nz.


All attendees must provide proof upon arrival of their COVID-19 vaccination certificate. Only fully vaccinated guests or guests who have an official medical exemption will be permitted entry into the hotel. Children over 12 years must be fully vaccinated, while children under 12 years do not need to be vaccinated if accompanied by fully vaccinated adults. Evidence can be shown through your My Covid Record, which can be accessed through your My Health Account.


We look forward to welcoming you soon to what is certain to be stellar events!



Terms and Condition

  • No-shows will be billed.
  • No invoice will be issued for payment processing.
  • A tax receipt will be issued upon request and receipt of payment.